Computer Applications [ARC2723]

This course will be introducing us to the world of Computer Generated 3-Dimensional drawings. This course is taught with minimal handouts but there is lectures and tutorial sessions for the us in order to experiment with the software. 


This involves completion of basic form and external model of a selected architectural design. During this stage the completed 3D model will reflect the knowledge of using the software to create 3D geometries. 3D models will be assessed on the overall detail, complexity and creativity used in the creation and development process. 

Objectives of this project are as follows:

1. Understand and execute the functions of Standard Primitives, Splines & Modifiers.
2. Understand and utilise polygon modelling and NURBS modelling in producing the 3D models. 

The following are my work in progress for this project:

Completed roof and floor plan in AutoCAD.

Almost completion for extrusion in Rhinoceros.

Insert of doors into the building with detail of door knob. 

Export Rhinoceros file to 3DS max application for rendering.

Assigning materials into selected area.

Overall view in 3DS max.
Placing of plane on the bottom of the model as a base/contour.

View ONE of my model.

View TWO of my model.

View THREE of my model.

View FOUR of my model.

View FIVE of my model.

View SIX of my model.

View SEVEN of my model.

Learning outcomes of this project:
1. To produce 3D model of a selected architectural design using 3DS Max/Rhinoceros or both.
2. To record Work in Progress (WIP) as progressive evidence of the working process. 



The second project involves the production of photorealistic still rendering of the selected architecture 
design with materials, appropriate camera views and post-production enhancement on the visual 
outcome. The visualisation work would be assessed on the types and ways materials are used, types of 
lights and effects used to set up the scene, setup of appropriate camera views for rendering and skills of 
using post-production tools to enhance the visual outcome. 

Objectives of this project are as follows:

1. Able to import .dwg file into 3DS Max. 
2. To manage the 3D scene using layers. 
3. To create materials for 3D objects. 
4. To use lights in 3DS Max for exterior and interior rendering. 
5. To set up good photographic compositions using cameras in 3DS Max for final rendering. 
6. To understand and execute the appropriate rendering settings. 
7. To enhance the visual outcome of the renderings using post-production tools. 

The following are my work in progress for this project:
Editing materials photo in photoshop to do black and white for bump effect on 3ds max

After assigning the materials into the building, create a plane to do contour.

Next, putting trees into the site.

Rendering, waiting to see the effect with lights.

Test render to see the effect

Final product for external rendering

Final product for external rendering


The following are my work progress for this project:

For the first time during the placing of furniture and materials, it goes well until I started to apply lights. After lights is applied, the quality of the lights is not functioning as normal.

During the first time of placing furnitures and materials.
The furnitures are downloaded from

When I started to try render, the end product is different from the one I set. The rendered one has become red in colour in the interior.

Try to reset my materials properties again to see if the problem can be solve.

After setting the material, the effect is still the same.

Therefore, I copied house model and save it as another file and try to do it all over again.

Try to render and the result is the one I wanted.

To check the bump-ness of the masonry stone wall.

After lights are added into the model,everything has become darken and yet with no shadow when lights is projected into certain objects.

Few setting was set and it still does not have the normal effect which is shown on the viewport.

There are some shadow shown in the viewport when I start to apply daylight.

It has become brighter when I apply mr sky portal.

Test rendering.

Try to add sunlight to the scene but still no shadow.

 Finally I try to apply omni into the scene and the shadow is formed. :D

Final end product for interior view one (1)


Set camera view that I want.

Apply material into he objects.

Apply daylight and mr sky portals first.

Try rendering with low settings.

Final end product for interior view two (2)

Learning outcomes of this project:

1.Produce photorealistic still renderings of the selected building with materials, lighting, camera views and site context. 
2. To record Work in Progress (WIP) as progressive evidence of the working process. 

Learning In Progress in class

Week 12 class learning animation.

Week 12 class part two (2) learning effect animation

Week 12 class part three (3) learning effect animation

Week 12 class part four (4) learning effect animation


The following are my work progress for this project:

Due to the concentration towards this project, I forgot to print screen the progress of this project, but here's few of the screen shot.

Creating a line and camera then path constraint it for camera to flow with the line.

After finding a right camera view, next I press F10 to set rendering setting from changing the frames I want to render to size of the video to where I want to save my files to then start rendering! :D

After clicking the rendering button, that's the moment that makes me happy, BUT.....

Unused item starts to pop up.

And again..

And this pop up! Makes my life miserable. I tried to look for all the listed item but doesn't seems to appear in the file. Therefore, I tried to ask around.

Things happened to work properly when I seek help from my tutor. Urggg frustration*

Now, it is rendering :D

Next, creating the next scene;

Test rendering, and realised that the glass is solid grey instead of transparent.

Next, setting desired brightness for that scene; dark.


Too bright;

Then start rendering. 
The rest progress is missing because I forgot to print screen.

After every scene is done, I compiled everything using iMovie;

Here's my final outcome for this project.

The link to the video if you could not view from here :

Thanks for reading! :D

Wait, I am not done yet.
I would like to say thank you to all who helped me when I faced problem. Besides that, I would like to say sorry too for the troubles I have caused to you all. muacks!!

See you <3

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